The South West Idaho Amateur Radio Club Inc. is a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Corporation that was officially formed in 2018 by some local Hams of Nampa, ID. Founding member Kim Gross KI0E, says about the founding

“Myself, my wife and a couple of friends that were generally inexperienced hams got together after visiting some of the other local clubs and decided we wanted a club that went out and did things, a “do something club”  since non of the the local clubs seemed to want to do something, rather they met and talked about doing something we started the South West Idaho ARC because the “do something club” name was already taken.”

– Founding Club Member– Kim Gross, KI0E

The idea of the group was to have something for Hams and the Ham curious to be able to get together at least once a month for an activity that surrounded the amateur radio service and to be able to learn and gain experience. Group activities range from parks on the air (POTA) activations, Field Days, fox hunts, and group builds like antenna builds or kit building.

In addition to our monthly amateur radio-related activity, we also have a monthly meeting where there is generally a topic of educational importance that is discussed. Things ranging from “How to do event communications” to “How to build a battery bank” are presented with live demonstrations and time to practice. Most of our meetings are livestreamed on our Facebook group so if you can’t make it, be sure to join the Facebook group and watch the stream!

Another important feature of SWI-ARC is to utilize as much of our operating privileges as we can as a way to help protect our space on the spectrum. We have invested in equipment to build an AREDN network as well as a repeater for the 220 MHz band We have a 900 MHz repeater as well. Some of our members have taken an interest in the super high-frequency bands, such as the 5cm and 13 cm bands, and we have planned activities and learning presentations for those as well.

Join our Facebook group, Group.IO, or HamClubOnline list, or come to one of our meetings to get involved! We don’t require you to commit to anything other than having a fun time learning about amateur radio and meeting some of the nicest people in Idaho!

We can be reached at,