ARRL Field Day Swap
We will have a swap table setup at the Field day event. Bring your stuff to sell, bring your money. Plan on having fun.
We will have a swap table setup at the Field day event. Bring your stuff to sell, bring your money. Plan on having fun.
Field Day update. Early set up Friday afternoon/evening. Hamburgers, Lumpia and corn on the cobb Saturday at 5p with donations to the club accepted The club will have cold water, unsweetened ice tea, and lemonade on hand. Please bring a covered side dish or salad if you are able. Two grills available. Forecast calls for…
We setup for the 7th area QSO party. Here are some pictures of the event.
We will be operating on May 22 and May 23 as a special event station commemorating the approx 100 year anniversary of the Chicken dinner that gave Chicken Dinner Road. Over the last few years Chicken Dinner road has had a lot national publicity because of a letter from People for Ethical Treatment of Animals…
We finally have a web site up and running please bookmark us and check for upcoming events.