2022 Field Day
Just a reminder we will be setting up for Field day in Tripod Meadows outside of Smiths Ferry. More details are on the Facebook page.
Pota party at Deer Flatt WMA. We will start on all bands at around 11 am, please bring something to share for lunch. Also bring your antennas to tune we will have a few antenna analysers to help tune your end fed half waves and other wire antennas. The park has lots of trees to…
We setup for the 7th area QSO party. Here are some pictures of the event.
We will be setting up for the Idaho QSO party on the morning of March 12, and will operate as a parks on the air activation until the QSO party starts. Dinner will be at about 5pm and everybody is invited. We will sign up for 2 hour slots to operate the radio’s. There will…
The Summer SWIARC Simplex contest will be on May 14, from 10 am to 10pm. All vhf and up frequency bands are valid. The exchange is your 4 digit maidenhead grid square (if you are in the Treasure Valley, it could be DN13). Full rules can be found here. https://www.facebook.com/groups/SouthWestIdahoARC/permalink/1475144689569893/
Kim Gross KI0E is teaching a Ham Cram style class in Middleton at 22550 Lansing lane, starting at 8 am. There will be testing by the K7SWI VE team that afternoon for everybody in the class and is open to the public for new or upgraded licenses. You can sign up for the testing at….