I’m trying to figure this out, I have added most of our events to the Events tab so click on it to see what is coming up
We will be operating at Bonneville point for Winter field day. Come have fun. Potluck Dinner on Saturday and Potluck Brunch on Sunday Morning. Please sign up to operate on the air.
Field Day update. Early set up Friday afternoon/evening. Hamburgers, Lumpia and corn on the cobb Saturday at 5p with donations to the club accepted The club will have cold water, unsweetened ice tea, and lemonade on hand. Please bring a covered side dish or salad if you are able. Two grills available. Forecast calls for…
We are holding a Ham Cram study/testing session on May 14 at the LDS Church building at 1332 Cornell St, Middleton, ID 83644. The class starts at 8 am, with testing in the afternoon after the class. Please pre-register for the testing via Here is the study material that we will use during…
April 1’st 9 am to 1 pm Ham-Fest At 10 Mile Christian Church 3500 W Franklin Road Meridian ID 83686 Please park on the east side of the main entrance. Other activities are going on at the facility at the same time. Outdoor Swap Meet, Classes start at 9 am Classes include Summits on the…
Dave NQ6S and Rob KW2E is trying to put together a concerted effort for the September VHF contest which is Sept 11 and 12, 2021 and this will be our event for September. To do this they will need home stations around the area listing in on the VHF+ simplex frequencies and some Rovers willing…
The May meeting will have a presentation by Scott B W7IMC on doing POTA and SOTA activations. And maybe some chasing as well. POTA is short for Parks on the Air. In the pota world a park is any federal or state park, wildlife refuge or national forest. Lots of people love pota because it…