Educational meeting
The Educational meeting is the first Thursday of the Month at Bob’s Restaurant and Lounge in Nampa. Meeting starts a 7pm, no host dinner at 6pm
The SWIARC June meeting will be 2 at 7 PM at Bob’s Restaurant on Shilo Drive in Nampa. Meeting will be on Solar power and batteries for portable operation. Before the meeting you can enjoy dinner at the restaurant. People show up for dinner starting at about 5:45. Main lobby has full menu, meeting room…
We will be setting up for the Idaho QSO party on the morning of March 12, and will operate as a parks on the air activation until the QSO party starts. Dinner will be at about 5pm and everybody is invited. We will sign up for 2 hour slots to operate the radio’s. There will…
The Summer SWIARC Simplex contest will be on May 14, from 10 am to 10pm. All vhf and up frequency bands are valid. The exchange is your 4 digit maidenhead grid square (if you are in the Treasure Valley, it could be DN13). Full rules can be found here.
There will be a Fox Hunt on 4-28-23. The fox(s) will be turned on at 10 am. The official starting point is the Nampa School District Office on the Corner of South Canyon and West Dewey in Nampa Idaho. There will be high powered fox on 146.500 to help you get into the general area….
The club now has a quartermaster to help with club resources. We are building our inventory but do have radios for the non common frequencies that can be checked out and are working on some hardware tools like a Nano-VNA, Coax tools, tower tools ecetera. As the process is created we will update and create…