Swap Meet
November 20, 8 am to 1 pm at Bob’s Restaurant and Lounge.
We will have a swap table setup at the Field day event. Bring your stuff to sell, bring your money. Plan on having fun.
We finally have a web site up and running please bookmark us and check for upcoming events.
Oct 2/3 Ca QSO party. Setup at 3150 Kuna Mora Rd Kuna Idaho. Room for camping. Nice dinner on Saturday night, come join us and have fun. Will be a table or two of swap meet items as well.
The Summer SWIARC Simplex contest will be on May 14, from 10 am to 10pm. All vhf and up frequency bands are valid. The exchange is your 4 digit maidenhead grid square (if you are in the Treasure Valley, it could be DN13). Full rules can be found here. https://www.facebook.com/groups/SouthWestIdahoARC/permalink/1475144689569893/
We will be operating at Bonneville point for Winter field day. Come have fun. Potluck Dinner on Saturday and Potluck Brunch on Sunday Morning. Please sign up to operate on the air. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c044caea928abfd0-winter