Winter Field Day

The SWI ARC will be setting up for Winter Field day at Bonneville Point off of Blacks Creek Road just east of Boise off of I-84. The public is welcome to come by and see what it is all about. If you want to make sure you can operate a station please sign up via…

Ham Cram

Kim Gross KI0E is teaching a Ham Cram style class in Middleton at 22550 Lansing lane, starting at 8 am. There will be testing by the K7SWI VE team that afternoon for everybody in the class and is open to the public for new or upgraded licenses. You can sign up for the testing at….

Winter VHF+ Simplex

It is that time of the year again. Time for our Winter VHF+ simplex contest. 1-7-2023 from 10 am to 4pm, work as many stations on VHF+ simplex. Each contact is worth one point. You get multipliers by working stations in different grid squares. Two classes Rookies, who are licensed less than 2 years, or…

SWIARC Christmas Party

We will be meeting on Saturday December 10 at the Golden Corral in Nampa. 3:30 pm. There will be a door prize raffle, 50/50 raffle, Club Awards given out and a White Elephant gift exchange. You don’t have to participate in the White Elephant, but it should be fun. Please limit the cost of gifts…

DIY/Help Meeting

December general meeting will be a DIY/Get help meeting. We will be at Bob’s in the banquet room and will have people there to assist/train on many issues of radio, including soldering, antenna analyzers, spectrum analyzers, Mast Guying, Coax terminating, Power Pole installs, Mobile installs, Radio Programing, December 1 2022, starting at about 6pm

New Quartermaster

The club now has a quartermaster to help with club resources. We are building our inventory but do have radios for the non common frequencies that can be checked out and are working on some hardware tools like a Nano-VNA, Coax tools, tower tools ecetera. As the process is created we will update and create…

Fall SwapMeet

November 12, from 8am to noon. Indoor swap meet in the Banquet room at Bob’s Restaurant on Shilo drive in Nampa. Please do not bring goods into the restaurant, there is a large double door on the east side of the building that goes into the banquet room. Please park in the east end parking…


We are doing a Kid themed Ham R Treat in Julia Davis Park. There will be multiple stations and treats for the kids. Runs from 1pm to 3pm look for the South West Idaho ARC banner For more info contact Kj7hdt via QRZ